Republican Club of Solivita

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Over the years, since the inception of the Republican Club of Solivita, aka RCS, in 2004, the club has continued to grow.  In fact, the Republican Club of Solivita is the largest Republican Club in the State of Florida. That is an honor in which each and every member of our Club should be extremely proud.

The current RCS board of officers and directors is as follows:

Peter Thompson – President

Glenn Larson – Vice-President

Carol Rimdzius – Treasurer

Gary Phillips – Secretary

Jeff Minner – Communications

George Tabak – Director (1 Year)

Michelle Weisinger – Director (1 Year)

Bill Diercksen – Director (2 Years)

Jeff Minner – Director (2 Years)

Beverly Stairs – Director (2 Years)

Michael Gili – Director (2 Years)


With so many benefits associated with joining the Republican Club of Solivita, members take great pride in working with our Club, as well as on the election of Republican Candidates.  All this, while enjoying the benefits of meeting and associating with other Republicans who also have like interests and concerns, for our Solivita community, as well as our country.

I am asking you to become an active member, and to volunteer on the local level, as well as volunteering on County, State & National levels in the future.   If you are not a current member or need to renew your membership, you can find a membership application form by clicking Join our club.

Please encourage your friends to join the Republican Club of Solivita for only $15.00 per person annually.  An additional advantage to joining RCS is the cost savings for dinners.  Non-members pay $10.00 more per dinner event, thus making it a savings of at least $50.00 per year (based on 5 dinner meetings per year).