RCS Young Republicans Scholarships Award Program

Back in 2009, the club’s leadership wanted to begin recognizing and rewarding activist young college or high school Republicans living in Polk County with scholarships, and support for area young Republican clubs.
We raised funding for a $1,000 scholarship through 50/50 and “Cheer” baskets raffles plus direct member donations. We found that the most active college club at that time was at Southeastern University, so we worked with the club adviser to find the student who had volunteered in the 2010 election as well as exhibited club leadership skills. The scholarship was awarded at the final 2010 dinner meeting with the recipient relating why she became an activist Republican while in college.
All successive scholarship awards have followed this criteria, although they have been increased to $2,000, and one outstanding high school senior was awarded a scholarship (presented by the LT Governor) in 2015 for his activism at the county level during two election cycles while in high school.
In the past few years, we have also awarded a second scholarship.
Florida Southern College
In 2017, our research revealed that a chartered College Republicans Club at Florida Southern College, had been reactivated by a small group of very active Republican students who were very active volunteers in the 2016 election. Our recipient that year was so active he also received a four month White House internship.
In order to increase young republican participation we started giving direct support for meeting supplies to the Florida Southern College Republicans club. Our goal moving forward is to provide support the FSCR, and any other activist Polk County college club that is actively nurturing and passing along Republican conservative values and philosophy of governing to the next generation, plus providing volunteers for elections grass roots support.
You can help us by always remembering to buy tickets to win a “Baskets of Cheer” at dinner meetings or making a direct donation to the scholarship and college clubs support fund.
Contact us here to make a donation