Gov. Ron DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio Speak in Solivita Nov. 3, 2022
The Republican Club of Solivita is proud to announce that Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Marco Rubio will speak in Solivita.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, November 3
Time: Admission begins 12:00 pm noon. Event begins approx. 1:00 pm
Location: Freedom Park parking lot
Seating: 500+ chairs will be provided with standing room overflow
Cost: Free
Admission Requirements: To enter through security, each resident MUST show a Solivita ID Badge, and each resident’s guest MUST show a Nov 3 dated Solivita Visitor Pass**
Restrictions: No seat saving, no carry-in chairs and no golf carts in venue.
The eastern third of Freedom Park parking lot will be the location of the venue site. The rest of the Freedom Park parking lot should be open for parking. Also, the grassy area next to the Ballroom can be used for golf cart parking. Carpooling would be helpful.
** Solivita visitor passes can be obtained Nov 1 thru Nov 3 at the Palms or the Rivera. Guests will need to be present and show an ID & pay $1.00 to receive a pass. This is per the Solivita Club Visitor Pass Procedure ( under Lifestyles/Membership/ Visitor-Pass Procedure)