What Do Democrats Fear in Donald Trump? Greatness
By J.B. Shurk
James Carville says Trump is the greatest threat to America since the fall of communism. It is easy to laugh away such a declaration, but I think there is an invaluable truth expressed. Trump is as important in stature as the United States’ most formidable military and political opponent of the twentieth century. Trumpism as an ideological force has the mass and acceleration of a Soviet Empire that threatened to conquer the world. Nobody speaks about the Bush Doctrine in such terms. Nobody confuses the Obama Doctrine or the Carter Doctrine as projecting that kind of power. Yet here we are, just three years after the election, and somehow the belittled and mocked hotel owner from Queens has stumbled into creating a movement that matches in strength and potency what took Marx, Lenin, and Stalin over a century to perfect. Consider the fear that Carville and his ilk must harbor about what is to come.
What does he see that makes him tremble so? In a word, greatness. Read More